Now it’s time to pull back the curtain and reveal some of the tips to this chrome process...
one of the major components is the chrome spraying gun that facilitates the metal deposition. It’s a fully adjustable pilot dual component spray gun. With separate adjustable outlets for each of the two chemicals needed to create the chemical reaction and using 99-percent distilled water as a carrier agent, the deposition occurs when the two chemicals are mixed on the surface of the part at a ratio that’s conducive to producing a metallic chrome finish that’s thinner than a sheet of paper.
The ultimate in chroming, our intuitive Compact Chrome Machine is used to apply a coat of silver nitrate for a perfect mirror finish. Available in an unlimited range of colours.
The ultimate in chroming, our intuitive Compact Chrome Machine is used to apply a coat of silver nitrate for a perfect mirror finish. Available in an unlimited range of colours.
The ultimate in chroming, our intuitive Compact Chrome Machine is used to apply a coat of silver nitrate for a perfect mirror finish. Available in an unlimited range of colours.